Animal Nutrition

Gut health
A healthy gut is of fundamental importance, because it can support a strong immune system, improves the effectiveness of digestion, ensures good absorption of nutrients and provides a barrier function to minimize the harmful effects of pathogens.
It is a very complex system, as all these areas interact with each other. Ultimately, gut health plays a big role in animal performance.
We know that there is no singular solution for improving gut health, therefore, in our concept you can choose your priorities from several areas: stimulating digestion, stimulating immune system, prebiotic effect and/or pathogen control.
Emission reduction
Agriculture is one of the sectors involved in climate change. The agriculture industry is looking for solutions to reduce the levels of ammonia (NH3), nitrogen oxides (NOx) and methane (CH4) gases emitted.
Solutions for decreasing N-output (NH3, NOx) include reducing the protein input in combination with improving N-efficiency in the animal, eventually in combination with the use of additives that strongly reduce ammonia and nitrogen oxides in animal urine and feces.
Methane is mostly produced by ruminants, during the fermentation process in the rumen. Solutions are in changing the CH4 pathway, by changing the composition of the diet, and subsequently inhibiting or manipulating the microbial community. Several products from our product range fit into the concept of ‘emission reduction’, including rumen protected amino acids, prebiotic and phytogenic ingredients.

Retailers are paying more attention about how food is produced, and in some markets, there is a high demand for non-GMO ingredients.
The definition of a GMO, or genetically modified organism, is a plant, animal, microorganism or other organism with a genetic make-up that has been modified in a laboratory using genetic engineering or transgenic technology. This creates combinations of plant, animal, bacterial and virus genes that do not occur in nature or through traditional cross-breeding methods.
Within our concept of ‘non-GMO’ you can select ingredients that are non-GMO certified or we can provide you with alternatives to the standard GMO ingredients.
Circular agriculture
Circular agriculture is of great importance, because of the need to mitigate global climate change. Circular agriculture means that residuals of agricultural biomass and food processing are retained within the food production system as renewable resources.
Thus, we reuse, recycle or even upcycle our feed materials. Circular agriculture focuses on closing the cycles within the whole ecological production system, with strong preference for short logistics lines - so produced in the region.
Within our concept of ‘circular agriculture’, we focus on ingredients that are by-products from the food industry, which are still of great value for feeding animals and that are produced in Europe and have short logistics.

Pet food
Clean label
Clean label, in general, refers to a short and easy-to-read ingredients list with recognizable ingredients and products. It is associated with terms like: ‘authentic’, ‘transparent’, ‘Non-GMO’, ‘identity preserved’, ‘organic’, ‘natural’, ‘unprocessed’ or ‘minimally processed’ and can even be locally produced.
In addition, ‘clean label’ also refers to no artificial flavors, colors, chemicals or preservatives. The way clean label is used in practice can vary from brand to brand.
Within our ‘clean label’ concept, we have a wide range of different ingredients that could fit into your clean label strategy, but in some cases, it depends on your own definition of clean label. In our concept, we include vegetable proteins, fibers, phytogenic- and natural antioxidants.
Pet food
The term hypoallergenic refers to ingredients that are unlikely to cause an allergic reaction, because they are not recognized by the animal’s antibodies as being antigens.
Hypoallergenic ingredients could be products which do not contain gluten, such as potato or pea, but also novel ingredients, because these have not previously been eaten by the animals and would not cause an allergic reaction.
Furthermore, another solution for a hypoallergenic diet could be the use of hydrolyzed proteins, which consists of short chain peptides that the immune system is no longer able to recognize as allergens.
Our ‘hypoallergenic’ concept includes several vegetable proteins, water lentils and insect protein or hydrolyzed proteins from yeast or porcine mucosa.

Pet food
The term organic refers to products grown with techniques that ensure that no chemical pesticides, synthetic fertilizers, GMOs and antibiotics are used.
Therefore, by choosing organic products, it is possible to feed pets with ingredients produced according to the best environmental practices that enable a high level of biodiversity, support the preservation of natural resources and support the application of high animal welfare standards.
Considering humanization is a significant trend in pet food: Organic solutions fit into this trend as well. Barentz is organic certified, which is essential to guarantee that we have measures in place to control the organic nature of the products supplied. We can provide you with organic certified vegetable proteins from rice, corn or soya, lecithins and seaweed blends, for example.
Pet food
Vegetarian & vegan
The term vegetarian and vegan refer to ingredients that do not contain meat and animal tissue products: 100% plant-based diets. The use of vegetarian and vegan ingredients in pets’ diets is promising for sustainability reasons, in fact, the global meat production and consumption requires limiting for effective sustainability.
These vegetarian products could also be a good solution for dogs and cats that have allergic reactions to some animal ingredient, such as chicken or beef.
We can offer you products from our ‘vegetarian & vegan’ concept, to help you formulate the best 100% plant-based diet for pets. In addition to plant proteins, we can supply products like yeast and lecithins.
According to your final product, we can offer taurine and B-vitamins as a single component. Another option is to select one of our yeast or plant-based ingredients that are originally high in B-vitamins.

Pet food
As a result of the humanization trend in pet food, there is more focus for healthy ingredients in diets for dogs and cats. Digestive health might be the biggest claim of all health claims. However, other health claims, such as weight management, dental health, shiny fur, stress management and improving immune system, are also important.
Within our ‘health’ concept we have solutions for several health areas: seaweed for fur health, hydrolyzed proteins, prebiotics, saponins for digestive health, hydrolyzed yeast for weight management and improvement of immune system.
Even a combination of several ingredients can be effective in catering for multiple health areas in one solution, because very often those areas interact with each other.
Our Animal Nutrition solutions
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